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Improving Resilience & Reducing Inflammation: Acupuncture for Your Immune System

March 6, 2024


Dee Dorrance, RAC

Improving Resilience & Reducing Inflammation: Acupuncture for Your Immune System

March 6, 2024


Dee Dorrance, RAC

How Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Strengthen Your Immune System

It’s that time of year again: the time when there are never enough tissues in the house to blow your nose, when you’re running to the pharmacy to stock up on cold medications on what feels like a weekly basis, when you’re cursing your child’s daycare class for yet another cold brought home to the family!

Whether we like it or not, fall and winter are ripe with colds, flus, and other unwanted illnesses. While most of us know how to take care of ourselves while we are sick – staying hydrated, resting, upping our Vitamin C intake – less attention is paid to how we may prevent sickness in the first place.

Lucky for us, there is much that can be done to help improve resilience, reduce inflammation, and ultimately strengthen our immune systems so that our common cold count goes from five a year, to one or two.

Acupuncture, a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has been practiced for thousands of years and is gaining recognition for its ability to promote healing and balance within all systems of the body, including the immune system.

In this blog post, we will explore the evidence-based benefits of acupuncture for supporting immune health and helping to ward off those pesky pathogens that keep us bedridden during cold & flu season. We’ll also discuss how nutrition can have an impact on the immune system, from both a TCM and Western perspective. Let’s dive in!

Let’s Explore the Evidence-Based Benefits of Acupuncture for Immune Health

While the research is still on-going, there are five potential mechanisms through which acupuncture might help strengthen the immune system. The immune benefits of consistent acupuncture treatments can include: 

  • Modulation of Inflammatory Responses:

Some studies suggest that acupuncture can modulate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). By reducing excessive inflammation, acupuncture may help the immune system function more efficiently. A well functioning immune system is the very foundation of the body being able to resist viruses, bacteria and other pathogens that cause sicknesses like the common cold and flu! 

  • Regulation of Immune Cells:

Acupuncture has been found to influence the activity of various immune cells, including T cells, B cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. These immune cells play crucial roles in defending the body against pathogens and abnormal cells. By helping to balance the functions of these immune cells, acupuncture may positively impact the immune system, in turn helping to prevent illness. 

  • Stress Reduction:

You’ve probably heard it by now: chronic stress can weaken the immune system. Acupuncture has a direct impact on our stress responses, and has been shown to reduce stress by stimulating the release of endorphins and promoting relaxation. By reducing stress, acupuncture indirectly supports immune function. Less stress = less sniffles. 

  • Improvement of Circulation:

One of the benefits of acupuncture is enhanced blood flow and circulation. Improved circulation can help immune cells, antibodies, and nutrients reach various parts of the body more efficiently, potentially aiding in immune response. Efficient circulation aids in the removal of waste products and toxins from tissues. This helps reduce the burden on the immune system. When the body can effectively eliminate waste, the immune system can focus on more critical tasks, such as defending against pesky infections.

  • Normalization of Gut Microbiota:

Emerging research suggests that acupuncture might have a positive influence on gut health and the gut microbiome. The gut plays a significant role in immune function, as a substantial portion of the immune system resides in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Acupuncture may help balance the gut microbiota, promoting a healthy gut environment. A balanced gut microbiome can, in turn, support the immune system by regulating immune responses and maintaining gut barrier function. 

How Many Acupuncture Sessions Are Needed To Strengthen The Immune System?

Acupuncture is in it for the long game, and its benefits are the result of consistency! Each treatment builds on another, meaning It’s very cumulative. 

In the beginning, you’ll likely need to come in more frequently. Too long of a gap between sessions can hinder any progress we’ve made. We don’t want to keep chasing the issue after it comes up, we want to build up your resources for the very purpose of prevention. 

Each person’s health status is unique, however in general, you’ll likely see a shift in your health after just 3-4 treatments. If you’ve been experiencing the effects of a weak immune system for a long time – plagued by chronic colds and other bugs – 10-12 treatments are recommended to get to the root of your specific health needs. 

Monthly tune-ups are also a great practice to get into the routine of. Regular maintenance is the key to prevention when it comes to not only the immune system, but all the other systems in the body. Booking in for treatments in the transitional seasons – spring and fall – can help ensure better health for summer and winter. 

Using Nutrition to Support Your Immune System

As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist trained in nutrition from a Western Medical perspective, and a Registered Acupuncturist trained in nutrition from a Traditional Chinese Medicine lens, I often recommend incorporating specific immune-boosting foods into your diet during cold & flu season. Here are three that you can start with: 


  • Evidence-Based Perspective: Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help support the immune system. It contains bioactive compounds like gingerol, which have been shown to have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Ginger may also help reduce symptoms of respiratory infections and improve immune function by enhancing the activity of immune cells.
  • TCM Perspective: Ginger is considered a warming herb in TCM and is known for its ability to disperse cold and dampness from the body. It strengthens the digestive organs, the Stomach and Spleen, which is essential to a healthy immune system in TCM. Ginger is often recommended for individuals who are prone to colds and have symptoms related to cold and damp conditions.

Shiitake Mushrooms:

  • Evidence-Based Perspective: Shiitake mushrooms are rich in beta-glucans, a type of dietary fiber with known immune-enhancing properties. Beta-glucans have been shown to stimulate immune cells, enhance immune function, and improve resistance to infections. Shiitake mushrooms are also a source of vitamins like D and B, which play important roles in immune health.
  • TCM Perspective: Shiitake mushrooms have a long history of use in TCM for immune support. They help to tonify the body’s vital energy, nourish the blood, and strengthen the immune system. In TCM, they are often recommended for individuals with weak immune systems or those recovering from illness.


  • Evidence-Based Perspective: Garlic contains compounds like allicin, which have demonstrated antimicrobial and immune-boosting effects. Research suggests that garlic may help reduce the severity and duration of colds and other respiratory infections. It may also support immune function by enhancing the activity of immune cells and reducing inflammation.
  • TCM Perspective: Garlic is considered a pungent food in TCM, and pungent flavors have a dispersing quality that helps to move stagnant Qi and invigorate the body’s energy. Garlic has warming properties that can help expel cold and dampness from the body. It is often recommended for individuals with weakened immune systems or cold-related illnesses.

The Bottom Line – Individualized Care

When it comes to immune health, there are lots of factors at play. From what we eat, to the way we move our bodies, to the amount of stress in our lives – there is so much we can do to help support our bodies and prevent illness. It’s important to note that everyone is unique – what works for me might not work for you. It’s always a good idea to consult with a professional to receive more individualized support. 

If you’re looking for more assistance or inspiration when it comes to immune health this season, you can book an acupuncture or a nutrition appointment with me here and follow me on Instagram @pokedbydee to learn more. 

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