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Electro-Acupuncture for Pain Relief

April 24, 2024


Allison Adams, R.Ac,

Electro-Acupuncture for Pain Relief

April 24, 2024


Allison Adams, R.Ac,

Electro-Acupuncture for Pain Relief

Electo-acupuncture is an innovative fusion of Traditional Chinese Medicine and modern technology, which is gaining attention as an effective and viable therapy for pain management.

What is Electro-Acupuncture?

Electro-acupuncture involves the insertion of acupuncture needles into specific points on the various meridians that run throughout the body, or into trigger points in the muscle belly or tendon. These needles are then stimulated by a very mild electrical current, which triggers the Central Nervous System (CNS) to release certain neurotransmitters that contribute to pain relief, muscle relaxation and improved mood.

Acupuncture Treatment

Traditional Needle Manipulation vs. Electric:

Historically acupuncturists have manually manipulated the needles to stimulate a response in the CNS, by twirling, thrusting, or flicking the needles. However, this method is not only challenging for the practitioner but can cause more tissue damage and is less consistent and accurate than electrical stimulation. Electro-acupuncture allows the practitioner far more control over the amount and intensity of stimulation, and can provide faster and longer lasting relief when compared to manual acupuncture.

Putting it in Perspective:

The thought of running an electrical current through your body might seem intimidating, but the amplitude coming from electro-acupuncture is incredibly low. Electro-acupuncture is delivered in milliamps, which are 1/1,000th of 1 amp. To put that in perspective, the amount of electricity coming from your wall socket is between 10 and 15 amps. With electro-acupuncture the intensity of current is carefully controlled by the practitioner and arrived at with constant feedback from the patient.

Amplitude vs. Frequency:

While the amplitude of electrical current reflects its intensity, the frequency is the number of electrical events conducted within a split second. Different endogenous opioids respond to different frequencies, so choosing the right frequency is key to pain reduction. The frequency should be comfortable for the patient, but also trigger the appropriate response in the nervous system. Sometimes, it takes a few treatments to find the most beneficial frequency.

What to Expect:

Patients may experience a mild tingling sensation, or subtle pulsing feeling. In large muscles, like the gluteal muscles and trapezius, the electrical current my cause periodic contractions. The intensity, or amperage, may need to be adjusted during the treatment. Just like when your body adapts to the water temperature during a shower and requires turning up the heat, the body will adapt to the intensity of electrical current and may need to be adjusted.
Treatment time with electro-acupuncture usually ranges from 15 to 30 minutes. After treatment patients may feel immediate relief and relaxation, while others notice cumulative benefits over repeated sessions. Depending on the pain the best results will happen over a period of 3-6 weeks with 2-3 treatments per week. 1 treatment per month, or as needed, is recommended for maintaining pain control.

Clinical Evidence:

The evidence supporting electro-acupuncture in pain management is compelling, with research indicating its efficacy across various conditions and in particular pain of the musculoskeletal system. Some studies show that electro-acupuncture is more effective than traditional acupuncture in reducing chronic low back pain. Other conditions that respond well to electro-acupuncture include; sciatica, osteoarthritis, knee, neck, and shoulder pain, and headaches.


While electro-acupuncture is considered safe for most people, there are certain precautions that should be considered. Some of these precautions include:
Pacemaker or Electrical Implant: Patients with a pacemaker or electrical implant should consult with their doctor to assess the safety of electro-acupuncture as electrical stimulation can interfere with these devices.

Pregnancy: Approach electro-acupuncture with caution especially during the first trimester. Patients should communicate with their doctors about its safety during pregnancy.

Seizure Disorders: Electrical stimulation can potentially trigger a seizure. Consultation with a neurologist is recommended.

Booking with us:

Electro-acupuncture offers a promising path to those seeking a holistic alternative to conventional pain management. Individual responses will vary, and a collaborative discussion between acupuncturist and patient regarding treatment plan and results is key to optimizing the treatment’s effectiveness. Book a free 15 minute consultation or connect with one of our practitioners at your closest location.

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